Kimberly D. McKee
2023 Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program
Grand Valley State University
Serving as a US Fulbright Scholar remains a significant moment in my professional and personal life. I taught undergraduate and graduate students at Sogang University during my time there in fall 2023 and spring 2024, supporting students enrolled in Critical Global Studies, English, and American Studies programs. The classroom was a site for learning with my students as we explored what it means to closely examine US policies from abroad and consider how perceptions of the US circulate across the globe. Creating strong classroom communities of mutual respect and co-learning in my undergraduate courses remains one of my proudest moments. I still maintain contact with some of my students. And the feedback from my Sogang students on assignments piloted while there allowed me to refine those assignments for implementation in the classroom when I returned to the US.
At the same time, because my child was with me, this time was spent becoming immersed in the Daeheung community around the Sogang campus. My role as a US Fulbright Scholar afforded me the opportunity for my son’s Korean language to improve and for his ability to take part in Korean children’s daily life for a short period of time. Living on campus also meant that we were able to easily participate in on-campus goings including the fall festival.
Perhaps as equally significant, as a Korean adopted person who studies Korean transnational adoption, my time as a US Fulbright Scholar was one of contemplation and reflection. The 10-months in Korea offered an opportunity to connect with adoptees living in Korea and deepen my relationship with my Korean family.