
Home / Programs for Koreans / scholar-in-residence

The Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program supports both Korean professionals and academics in the pursuit of non-degree study, research, or lecturing opportunities at U.S. institutions of higher education. Grants are designed to enhance individuals existing academic or professional expertise for future personal career development and public contribution to Korea after returning from the United States. Opportunities are available for early career, mid-career and senior grants depending on the background and qualifications of the individual.

Regardless of background, grantees uphold a standard of general excellence within their fields, representing a broad array of academic disciplines and professional specialties, which are reflected in their lecturing and research activities in the United States. Grants of 10 months are available for a combination of lecturing and research, with selected lecturers placed at U.S. institutions of higher education, in consultation with the Korean-American Educational Commission (KAEC) and the Council for International Exchange of Scholars (CIES), in order to teach up to two undergraduate courses per semester. Grants of six months are available for research only.

These lecturing and research activities entail substantive exchanges of academic and professional expertise between Koreans and Americans as Fulbright visiting lecturers teaching about Korea strengthen the field of Korean Studies in the U.S., and Fulbright visiting researchers conducting research about the U.S. strengthen American Studies in Korea.

The importance of cultural and educational exchange between Korea and the U.S. has been further recognized by the creation of two special grants for visiting scholars established in 2013 and 2018, respectively.

In 2013, to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Korean War Armistice and the signing of the United States-Republic of Korea Mutual Defense Treaty, KAEC established the Fulbright U.S.-Korea Alliance Studies Program, which provides opportunities for scholars and professionals in both countries to lecture or conduct research specifically on the aspects and nature of the U.S.-Korea relationship and alliance.

In 2018, KAEC partnered with Emory University to establish the Fulbright Korea Distinguished Chair at Emory University, Atlanta. In association with Emory’s Halle Institute for Global Research, chairholders spend one academic semester (six months) conducting research, teaching an advanced course, and participating in activities that promote Emory’s long-standing academic relationship with Korea. Chairholders exhibit the potential to make significant contributions to a wide range of disciplines. As a representative of the Fulbright Visiting Scholars Program, the Fulbright Korea Distinguished Chair at Emory University highlights to academics in the United States the contributions of Korean scholars.

Please reference the Korean version of the KAEC website for more information.