1950 - 2025
Creating Connections for 75 Years
About the Artwork
Creating Connections
for 75 Years
1950 - 2025
1950 - 2025
Creating Connections for 75 Years
About the Artwork
Creating Connections
for 75 Years
1950 - 2025
For the past 75 years, Fulbright Korea has served as a bridge between South Korea and the United States, fostering mutual understanding and trust through international educational and cultural exchange. Over the years, Fulbright Korea has provided the opportunity for thousands of passionate and accomplished students, scholars, artists, teachers, and professionals to enrich their learning, advance their careers, and make meaningful contributions, empowering them to share knowledge and values across diverse fields.
We invite you to explore with us the history and achievements of Fulbright Korea, to celebrate the stories of Fulbright community members, past and present, and to share in our vision for a more peaceful world. Thank you for joining us in this commemorative journey, and we look forward to creating a brighter future together with you!
Fulbright Mission
Educational and Cultural Exchange for a More Peaceful World
In the wake of WWII, inspired by a vision of building world peace through mutual understanding, Senator J. William Fulbright proposed the formation of a global program of educational and cultural exchanges. Established in 1946 with funding from the sale of WWII military surplus, the program empowered participants the world over to share knowledge and build lasting connections across borders. Since 1946, over 390,000 students, scholars, artists, teachers and professionals have participated in the Fulbright Program, finding solutions to important international problems and improving lives around the world. Today, the Fulbright Program remains vital, supporting participants who meaningfully impact their communities, both locally and globally.
Opportunities for Students, Scholars, Artists, Teachers and Professionals
The Fulbright Program in Korea promotes mutual understanding and the exchange of knowledge across communities in the U.S. and Korea. As a prestigious international exchange initiative, the Fulbright Program offers grant opportunities for students, scholars, artists, teachers, and professionals to engage in advanced study, research, lecturing and teaching. The program operates according to the principles of open competition and individual merit, welcoming applicants from all backgrounds and fields. Through its exchanges, Fulbright Korea seeks to promote the creation of a more peaceful world while enhancing the lives of its participants. Fulbright Korea exchanges offer the opportunity for participants to meaningfully contribute to solving global problems while engaging in activities for educational and career advancement.
The Fulbright community represents a global network of students, scholars, artists, teachers, and professionals who embody the spirit of mutual understanding and cultural exchange. Each year, Fulbright Korea selects approximately 200 Korean and American grantees who serve as cultural ambassadors, fostering deeper connections between the two nations through academic, artistic, and professional endeavors. With over 7,000 alumni since its establishment, Fulbright Korea has created a legacy of individuals contributing meaningfully to their communities and promoting a more peaceful world. These alumni continue to excel in their respective fields while sustaining the program’s mission of enhancing U.S.-Korea relations and global collaboration.
풀브라이트는 광활한 미지의 세계로부터의 초대장이었습니다.
풀브라이트가 선사해줬던 경험을 북극성처럼 삼아 앞으로의 인생 여정을 의미 있게 가 보려 합니다.
Jihea Yang
2022 Humphrey Fellowship Program for Journalists
My Fulbright experience was a heartfelt journey of fostering freedom, joy, and the courage to embrace one’s story.
Sammi Marcoux
2013 English Teaching Assistant Program
풀브라이트는 저의 연구 및 삶의 자세에 있어 도전과 성장을 만들어주었습니다.
Sohyun Park
2022 Postdoctoral Fellowship Program
My Fulbright experience was personally meaningful, generative as a scholar, and transformational for my family.
David Oh
2018 U.S. Scholar Program
풀브라이트는 연구자들이 존중과 책임을 바탕으로 전문성을 공유하는 장입니다.
Dong-soo Shin
2023 Visiting Scholar Program
My Fulbright experience illuminated the power and spirit of history, revealing how “genuine encounters” can bridge cultures and create connections that transcend the bounds of space and time.
Hope Elizabeth May
2017 U.S. Scholar Program
학문적으로는 전문성을 발전시킬 수 있었던 소중한 시간,
인간적으로는 설렘과 기대, 우정을 나누었던 따뜻한 시간이었습니다.
Gahyeok Lee
2021 Humphrey Fellowship Program for Journalists
Fulbright was a huge milestone in my academic career to get reconnected to my past.
Kyunghee Pyun
2021 U.S. Scholar Program
풀브라이트는 제 마음속 한계를 규정 짓던 벽을 허물고, 가능성을 새롭게 정의하도록 도와주었습니다.
Hangsoo Jeong
2023 Foreign Language Teaching Assistant Program
Senator Fulbright and his wife Harriet Fulbright visit the Korean-American Educational Commission during their 1990 visit.
KAEC Executive Director Frederick Carriere presents a ham to Mrs. Fulbright.
Dr. Belle Boone Beard, Professor of Sociology at Sweet Briar College in Sweet Briar Virginia, was the first American Fulbright Grantee to Korea following formation of the United States Educational Commission in Korea.
U.S. Ambassador to Korea Stephen W. Bosworth leads the assembled dignitaries, staff and grantees in the ceremony of the dedication for the newly acquired building of Fulbright Korea. The purchase of the building occurred on the 50th year of the Korean-American Educational Commission,
On October 20, 2000 the Fulbright program in Korea commemorated its 50th anniversary with a conference and banquet in the Grand Ballroom of the Radisson Seoul Plaza Hotel. From top left: Lee Hai; Mrs***, Young Choi KFAA member; Lee Dai Soon, Korea Fulbright Foundation Chairman; Kim Kee Soon KFAA member; Horace H. Underwood KAEC Executive Director; Nancy Underwood; Shim Jai Ok KAEC Deputy Directory; Kim Moon Hwan KFAA member; Kwon Oryang KFAA member From bottom left: Yun Bokcha KFAA President, Beth Nyhus J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board Administrative Staff, Hoyt Purvis J. William Fulbright Scholarship Board Member, Roh Jung Hyun KFAA member, Bernard J. Lavin former Public Affairs Officer; Alan Schechter J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board Chairman; Mrs. Alan Schecter; Ahn Byong Man former KFAA President.
6-4_p212_Campfulbright 2010
Senator J. William Fulbright greets Korea Fulbright Alumni Association Member, Professor Ro Jung Hyun, at the 40th Anniversary Commemoration of the Fulbright Program in Korea, which was celebrated on September 20-21, 1990 in Seoul.
The 2010 - 2011 ETA Group at their orientation site at Jungwon University.
The Korea Fulbright Alumni Association, at its annual gathering. Winter 2009.
Dr. James L. Larson presents Mrs. Harriet M. Fulbright with a commemorative copy of Korea' Amazing Century: From Kings to Satellites on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Worldwide Fulbright Program. 1996
ETA20th_Christopher Steubing 2
Chairman of the National Endowment for the Humanities James Leach delivers a keynote address on the topic "The Importance of Citizen Diplomacy" at the July 23 Ambassador's Reception in Washington, DC.
Current ETA grantees sing the Fulbright song.
ETA20th_Christina Rho
2019 FEP_2019
PY20 VSP_Yi, Chan Goo_George Mason_Chungnam_MOU
PY20 VSP_YOON-Tecnam_Texas Tech University
PY21 FLTA_Kim, Seung Kyung
PY21 FLTA_Kwon, Minjee
PY21 FLTA_Park, Sunyoung
PY21 Humphrey_LEE-Gahyeok_Arizona State University
PY23 Postdoc_Fulbright Reception Kim, Jihon_Nov 7 2023
PY23 Postdoc_Kim, Jihon_Harvard Asia Center Seminar_Dec 6 2023
PY23 VSP_Lee-Gilho_Harvard
PY23 VSP_Lee-Hae-Kyoung_Columbia
PY23 VSP_Lee-Hae-Kyoung_Harvard 2
UW Madison Meeting with Grantee_PY23 GSP Joe, Hyorim
PY23 Embassy Colloquium_Dec 2023
PY23 FLTA_Jeong-Jung-Han
2024 ETA SCON_2024
2024 ETAs with logo 2024
Non_ETA Korean Studies Colloquium
PY24 AIEA Cultural Excursion 1_June 2024
PY24 AIEA Cultural Excursion 2_June 2024
PY24 ASP_1-01
PY24 ASP_1-06
PY24 ASP_1-07
PY24 ASP_1-08
PY24 ASP_1-09
PY24 EAP Workshop
PY24 Fulbright-CJ Award
PY24 Humphrey_Korean Fellows_Kim-Jaehee
PY24 U.S. Scholar Dinner
Congratulations on 75 years! Fulbright Korea is an incredible success story that works toward the best efforts of intercultural understanding and global connection.
한미교육위원단의 75주년을 진심으로 축하드리며, 앞으로도 한미 양국의 우호관계 증진과 글로벌 교류의 대들보 역할을 해주시길 기원합니다
Congratulations on Fulbright Korea’s 75th anniversary! I look forward to seeing the Fulbright Program continue to inspire the next generation of designers and scholars, supporting their pursuit of innovative and sustainable visions.
Congratulations on the 75th anniversary of Fulbright Korea! I wish you continued success in inviting those interested in Korean art and culture. I hope you continue to foster a global network of scholars.
75주년이 훗날 아주 작은 이정표였을 정도로 오래도록 많은 분들께 제가 겪은 것과 같은 소중한 경험 선사해주시길 기원합니다.
한미교육위원단의 75주년에 감사드리며, 앞으로도 양국 인재들이 세계 무대에서 뛸 수 있도록 큰 버팀목이 되어 주시기를 바랍니다.
교육을 통한 국제 교류와 동반 성장에 훌륭한 가교 역할을 충실히 수행해 온 한미교육위원단의 75주년을 진심으로 축하드립니다. 앞으로 펼쳐질 또 다른 75년의 여정을 축복하고 응원합니다.
Congratulations to Fulbright Korea on 75 years of fostering global understanding! Born from Senator Fulbright’s visionary hope after World War II, this program set out to build bridges and cultivate harmony through academic exchange. May your legacy of connection and cooperation continue to inspire and thrive for generations to come.
지난 75년간 한미교육위원단 프로그램은 경계를 넘어 지식을 나누고 우정을 쌓아왔습니다. 이 특별한 여정을 축하하며, 앞으로의 빛나는 미래를 응원합니다.
한국 풀브라이트 프로그램이 75주년을 맞이하는 2025년을 맞아 다시 한 번 소중한 경험을 할 수 있도록 지원해 주신 풀브라이트 재단 관계자 및 스태프 분들께 감사 인사를 드립니다.
Here’s to 75 years of Fulbright Korea fostering understanding, connection, and peace across borders—wishing you even greater success in the years to come!
한미교육위원단 75년의 깊고 단단한 역사를 기반으로 다양한 분야의 연구자들의 멋진 도약을 이끌어 주시길 기원합니다.